Understanding Active Treatment
When a new patient comes to our office, they are often surprised at how frequently our doctors would like to see them for the first few weeks of their treatment. There really is a method to the seeming madness!
You’ve come to us most likely seeking relief. Maybe that’s from back pain, neck pain, or headaches–the most common culprits that bring people to our office. Maybe you’ve never seen a chiropractor before, or maybe it’s been a few years. Whatever the case, your body has become accustomed to holding your spine in a misaligned position. That could be from an acute incident like a slip on the ice or a fender bender. But more often it’s from everyday activities–the way you sleep at night, your posture, the way you sit at your computer desk, repetitive motion from housework or even manual labor.
Your muscles get strained and pull on your bones and joints, ever so slightly. Over time, everything gets locked into a new normal–or maybe an old normal by now. Our doctors work to correct your misalignments, get your joints moving properly, and help your nervous system function more optimally. They will likely suggest therapies as well that will help encourage joint mobility in your spine, relax muscle spasms, release tension, and break up adhesions in the fascia. All of these things work together to retrain your joints and muscles, getting them reacclimated to the “right” normal.
But why two or three times a week? Because training takes time. As your muscles and joints begin to learn their new normal, their immediate inclination is going to be to go back the way they were, to what they’ve known for so long. Think of the way orthodontists put braces on teeth. It takes time to move the teeth into place, and then to keep them there. We can’t put you in a giant cast or brace to hold everything in place–could you imagine? And so we see you each week for a number of weeks, gently nudging your joints to move and your muscles to begin holding everything where and how it needs to be held. Once your body seems to be doing a good job of holding it’s adjustments, your pain is improving, and your nervous system is functioning better, our doctors will step down your active treatment, weaning you off slowly, making sure your body is doing what it’s supposed to. Eventually, when you’ve reached a plateau in your progress,you will graduate to wellness care (see previous post).
Have more questions about how this works? Ask your doctor at your next visit! Our doctors are always happy to answer your questions and make sure you understand your treatment plan and how you are progressing!
Yours for better health... Persephone Agricola, Health & Wellness Coach